
Internal History

Khangaþyagon means "magic language". It was the orginal language of Huna, the world where it is spoken, and this gives it magical power. As other languages diverged from it, the lost their magical power, so wizards preserved its use. Learning Khangaþyagon is therefore an essential part of becoming a wizard. Wizards cast spells by performing elaborate rituals in which they symbolically enact the magical effect they are trying to create.

External history

Around 2003, I decided to try to write a fantasy novel. Dissatisfied with the "point-and-click" magic system of a certain juvenile fantasy series, I wanted a more richly developed magic system, and I decided that this needed a magical language. I based the first few words on a runic inscription on an Anglo-Saxon ring, which I interpreted as a healing spell. Khangaþyagon took on a life of its own in a way that the rest of the story didn't, and I now see it as an artistic work in its own right, not simply a part of another story.

Key features

Khangaþyagon is intended to sound like a Germanic language, while it has a verb-initial syntax, similar to Celtic and Semitic languages. It has a complex morphology, where each word can carry a several suffixes denoting grammatical information. It is, however, very regular, as befits the first language of its world.

Khangaþyagon has its own alphabet, known as Bukhstav, which means "ritual writing". This is a runic alphabet, usually cut into wood with a knife. It is composed of straight vertical and diagonal strokes, since each stroke must cut across the grain of the wood.


Kæshroþrast Summons a King is an original story I wrote directly in Khangaþyagon, depicting a wizard casting a spell.


The Grammar of Khangaþyagon

Conlangery Podcast Epidode 73: Khangaþyagon

Some thoughts on Khangaþyagon by Logan Kearsley